Director: Ivette Löcker
Camera: Frank Amann
Editing: Michael Palm
Location Sound: Alexey Antonov
Sound Design: Gailute Mikšyte
Farbkorrektur: Klaus Pamminger
Production Manager Saint Petersburg: Vladimir Haunin
Production Manager:
David Bohun, Florian Brüning
Producer: Ralph Wieser
Band: PTVP – Last Tanks In Paris
Funding: if – Innovative Film Austria (bm:ukk), Land Salzburg, MEDIA
Zhanna und Lyosha are survivors.
The couple, now in their mid-thirties, became heroin addicts in the turbulent years of upheaval in Russia. They know their days are numbered, and pit their frail zest for life and gallows humor against this fact. The film draws on these moments and offers an intimate portrayal of a fragile and ambivalent love affair.
Ivette Löcker

„If the song wants to be honest,
it has to be an abyss just like this“
Georg Wasner

PREMIERE: Diagonale Graz,
March 2014
Kino unter Sternen Wien
July 2014
38. Duisburger Filmwoche
November 2014


sixpackfilm Wien
  • When It Blinds, Open Your Eyes
  • When It Blinds, Open Your Eyes
  • When It Blinds, Open Your Eyes
  • When It Blinds, Open Your Eyes
